If you want to install VMware tool in Ubuntu Linux you have to follow fowling steps 1. first install the Compiler utility by this command viru@viru-VM:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential Note - This command installs gcc and all the compiler utility in to the Ubuntu by default these compiler utility not installed in Ubuntu Linux 2. Now install header files for currently running Linux kernel in your computer viru@viru-VM:~$ sudo apt-get install Linux-headers-`uname -r` 3. Now you can install VMware tool to this navigate VM-Install VMware tool 4. After this follow these command and enjoy VMware tool feature viru@viru-VM:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom viru@viru-VM:~$ cp /media/cdrom/VMware*.tar.gz /tmp viru@viru-VM:~$ sudo umount /media/cdrom viru@viru-VM:~$ cd /tmp viru@viru-VM:~$ tar xzvf VMware*.gz viru@viru-VM:~$ cd vmware-tools-distrib/ viru@viru-VM:~$ sudo ./vmware-install.pl la...
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