My company AHS found many people receiving emails related to the virus, W32.Ackantta.C@mm, which is a mass-mailing worm that spreads through file-sharing programs and sends spam email that contains links to malicious files.
The email has the below types of characteristics. If you receive an email with the below Subjects or Attachments, please do not open the attachment or click any of the links in the email, please just delete the email.
Email Characteristics
· Subject of Email:
· You have received A Hallmark E-Card!
· Your friend invited you to twitter!
· Jessica would like to be your friend on hi5!,
· Shipping update for your order 254-78546325-658742
· Name of Attachment:
· Invitation
· Shipping
Please feel free to share this information with others.
Thank you for the post.I am also recently receiving emails related to the virus.I am really fed up with these virus.It's really effect my work.I worked with a online site best essay writing service .I hope that your post will help me to solve the problem.