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Search Engine Optimization

Approach on Search Engine Optimization: Following is a high level project plan for website's Search Engine Optimization:
  1. Collect and optimize the list of keywords. We are using Web Position, Word Tracker & Keyword Discovery software and website for this.
  2. Competitor analysis using web position software.
  3. Identify the list of key service area/pages to optimize. Optimize the keyword list further based on the this list.
  4. Create a mapping list for the key service area/pages and keyword for each page

  5. Deliverable at the end of this phase:
    a. List of optimized keyword
    b. List of key pages and list of keywords for each page. For each page there will be one main keyword phrase and two or more sub keyword phrase

  6. Make changes to the page URL, Page Title, H1, H2 & H3 tags in contents and overall contents to spread the keywords on the every page
  7. Make changes in the core template if needed to support better Url (friendly Url). Also fix the some Url that used some technical words like ahsmidmenu1.

  8. Deliverable at the end of this phase:
    a. Home page and key pages are optimized.
    b. Website ranking and position will increase further
    c. Note: It will take 3-6 months for Google to reflects the changes

  9. Run the web Position software for the key service area/pages to analyze how they performing for the keywords selected for that page after all the updates have been made.
  10. Submitting website to Google and other search engine.

  11. Deliverable at the end of this phase:
    a. Google and other search engine will visit the website and crawl & index the website
    b. Web position reports on the optimized pages
  12. Website promotion using AdWrord and other paid advertising services
  13. Creating link to hospital website and key service pages on other websites

  14. Deliverable at the end of this phase:
    a. Website ranking and position will increase further


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